Vanessa Lopez

Research Scientist and Manager, AI for Health and Social Care, IBM Research - Ireland Vanessa's research interests are to investigate and envision technologies to better understand human needs and support us, as a society, to target complex problems in the health and social care domain. In particular using a combination of semantic, natural language and learning technologies to capture, integrate, search and query diverse data, and apply it to solve real challenges, like for Integrated Care, to support the care of the most vulnerable citizens and to ultimately obtain better outcomes

About this speaker

Vanessa Lopez is a researcher scientist at IBM Research Ireland since 2012 and manager of the AI for Health and Social Care team. Her research combines knowledge representation, semantics, natural language and learning technologies to create applications to support healthcare professionals improve the delivery of care for the most vulnerable, reduce healthcare disparities and protect the integrity of vital public health programs, this work is currently shortlisted for 2020 US-Ireland Innovation award from the American Chamber of Commerce Ireland and the Royal Irish Academy. Prior to that she was a researcher at KMI, Open University, where she pioneered research on Question Answering systems over the Semantic Web and obtained her PhD. She graduated with a master’s degree in computer engineering from the Technical University of Madrid (UPM). Over the years, she has participated actively in the Semantic Web community and co-authored more than 50 publications in high impact conference and journals, with over 3500 citations.

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Protecting vital public health programs with AI and Knowledge Graphs

2 December 2020, 12:20 PM GMT
Vanessa Lopez
