George Anadiotis

Knowledge Connector / Founder / Contributor, Knowledge Connexions / Linked Data Orchestration / Year of the Graph / ZDNet George has been contributing to, using, and evangelizing knowledge-based technology since the early 2000s. From research and implementation of graph databases, to semantic web and knowledge graph applications in the real world, and now graph analytics and graph AI. George is the founder of Linked Data Orchestration and the Year of the Graph, the co-organizer of Connected Data London, and a ZDNet contributor.

About this speaker

George's got tech, data, and media, and he's not afraid to use them. Coming from an IT background, he's had the chance to learn to play many instruments on the way to becoming a one man band and an orchestrator: being a Gigaom analyst, serving Fortune 500, startups and NGOs as a consultant, building and managing projects, products and teams of all sizes and shapes, and getting involved in award-winning research among others. George runs Linked Data Orchestration

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From databases to platforms: the evolution of Graph databases

30 November 2020, 06:00 PM
Alan Morrison Steve Sarsfield Steven Xi George Anadiotis Juan Sequeda

Welcome to Knowledge Connexions

02 December 2020, 08:45 AM
George Anadiotis James Phare

Conference Day Welcome - Part 2

02 December 2020, 04:00 PM
George Anadiotis Thomas Deely François Scharffe James Phare